Dr Wilson attended the latest workshop by Geistlich on the Surfers Paradise.
August 29, 2019
Dr. Wilson recently attended a Hands-on workshop by Geistlich in Surfers Paradise for Novel Procedures and Biomaterials for Soft and Hard-Tissue Augmentation.
Ian’s passion for dental implants inspires him to continue his ongoing education to provide his patients with the latest techniques available.

Attending the French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology
June 17, 2019
Attending the French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology June 14, 15, Dr Wilson heard from Drs Anton Sculean, Tidu Mankoo and Istvan Urban. Soft and hard tissue reconstruction was the focus, particularly reconstruction of the aesthetic zone. The procedures covered by these presentations were directed to achieving long-term results with Dental Implants.
March 14, 2019
The launch of Coast Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Implant Centre (Coast OMS), Friday night February 8, 2019 hosted by Dr Ian Wilson, with Dr Simon Brown and guest speaker Lisa Curry OAM, introduced a new alternative Oral & Maxillofacial option for Sunshine Coast residents.
With rooms at the Sunshine Coast University Private; Hospital, Dr Wilson brings 30 years’ surgical experience ranging from impacted teeth, jaw reconstruction, surgery to replace teeth with dental implants, and developing sites with bone and soft tissue augmentation to enable implant placement.
“Having family on the Sunshine Coast, and recently acquiring a property in the area, I’m looking forward to assisting Sunshine Coast residents in a range of procedures in my field.” “One of the most rewarding experiences for me personally is hearing patients say…” “It’s great to be able to eat again”. “I never used to smile, but now I can. It’s fantastic!”
“Evidence indicates that patients suffer physically and psychologically from missing teeth and jaw size discrepancies. Correcting these issues is important.”
After graduating from Dentistry at Sydney University, Dr Wilson subsequently undertook specialist training in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Once qualified, Dr Wilson founded Hunter OMS in Newcastle, later becoming Director or the John Hunter Hospital OMS Unit, a position he held for 19 years.

Dr Simon Brown worked in Newcastle for a number of years after graduating from Otago University, Dunedin and then returned to New Zealand to complete specialist training as a Prosthodontist (dealing with complex dental restorations). He is both in private practice in Auckland and attached to the Head & Neck Cancer unity.
Doctor’s Wilson and Brown have jointly conducted a number of hands-on workshops for dentists on restoring dental implants over the last 4 years.
Coast OMS is also excited to have Lisa Curry OAM join the program to speak about health and well being, and maintaining a work/life balance. Lisa brings her considerable experience as a world class athlete and coach, working mum and public personality among other things.
Quoted by one of our attendee’s “It was the best educational function I’ve attended”